
How do I find Bamburi, Kenya?

As you know, Africa is a huge continent—3 times larger than the US. In the pictures below, look at the map of Africa. Kenya is on the East Coast, sort of a peachy color. Kenya is about the size of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas together. Now move to the map of Kenya. On the southeast edge of the country is the city of Mombasa, with a population of 1.3 million. Mombasa is also a county, and the 3rd map shows all of the county. The “X” shows where the community of Bamburi is located. The entire county is an endless city, with the poorest neighborhoods located the furthest from the city center—which is actually the island that you can see on the map. Bamburi is very poor, with water and sewer systems in chaotic, sporadic services to the community.