Peter’s Family: Salome, Caleb, Ruth, Florence, and Peter


Preschool age children having lunch in their room

Older children eating lunch in the hallway.

Older children eating lunch in the hallway.

Hallway in the school where Peter taught for 13 years, and where I volunteered in September, 2019.  There was no electricity in the school, so they rely on “open air”

Hallway in the school where Peter taught for 13 years, and where I volunteered in September, 2019. There was no electricity in the school, so they rely on “open air”

Entire school supplies for 90 children.

Entire school supplies for 90 children.

My colleague, Alicia, with Daniel—a young boy who quickly captures everyone’s heart!

My colleague, Alicia, with Daniel—a young boy who quickly captures everyone’s heart!

A group of Peter’s students with their teacher.

A group of Peter’s students with their teacher.

Making lunch—rice for 90 kids!

Making lunch—rice for 90 kids!

Beans to go with the rice.

Beans to go with the rice.

Donations to Peter’s Hope helped Peter to rent a new school building in February, 2020

Donations to Peter’s Hope helped Peter to rent a new school building in February, 2020

He added 2 new classrooms so that each class (preschool-Grade 5) now has it’s own room.

He added 2 new classrooms so that each class (preschool-Grade 5) now has it’s own room.

Children moving desks in early March from the old school to the new school.

Children moving desks in early March from the old school to the new school.

Children with new textbooks, purchased with funds from Peter’s Hope.

Children with new textbooks, purchased with funds from Peter’s Hope.

Bamburi Women’s Empowerment Center.  There are 2 rooms—one for the beauty school, and one for the sewing school.

Bamburi Women’s Empowerment Center. There are 2 rooms—one for the beauty school, and one for the sewing school.

Women learning to braid hair in the beauty school.

Women learning to braid hair in the beauty school.

I got my nails done by a student at the beauty school.

I got my nails done by a student at the beauty school.

Beautifully braided hair.

Beautifully braided hair.

Another example of what the women learn in beauty school.

Another example of what the women learn in beauty school.

Classes at the sewing center

Classes at the sewing center

The women learn to make their own patterns, and then apply them to the fabric for a blouse, a skirt, or a dress.  It’s a very marketable skill.

The women learn to make their own patterns, and then apply them to cutting the fabric for a blouse, a skirt, or a dress. It’s a very marketable skill.

Farmer’s Market in downtown Mombasa

Farmer’s Market in downtown Mombasa

Typical street scene

Typical street scene

Public transportation:  Matatu

Public transportation: Matatu

For individuals or groups of 3-4, a tuk-tuk will do.

For individuals or groups of 3-4, a tuk-tuk will do.

Going to church with Peter

Going to church with Peter

Peter’s church

Peter’s church

Church doors

Church doors

Peter’s pastor.  She was so honored to have me attending her church.  Very, very few white people ever come to their church.  It was a wonderful experience…I was the one who felt honored to be there!

Peter’s pastor. She was so honored to have me attending her church. Very, very few white people ever come to their church. It was a wonderful experience…I was the one who felt honored to be there!

I took time away from Bamburi one weekend to go on a safari, which included a visit to a Maasai village.

I took time away from Bamburi one weekend to go on a safari, which included a visit to a Maasai village.

We saw many lions on our safari…this is my favorite picture.

We saw many lions on our safari…this is my favorite picture.

Getting up close and personal with giraffes.

Getting up close and personal with giraffes.

One of many elephant families that we saw.

One of many elephant families that we saw.